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Join the Webinar!

Establishing a Virtual Assets/Crypto Company in The Cayman Islands

Interested in running your business from paradise? 

Learn about the fastest most cost-effective way to establish a genuine physical presence. 

Cayman Enterprise City (CEC) and the Cayman Islands Virtual Assets Society (CIVAS) hosted a 45 minute webinar on moving your virtual assets company offshore to the Cayman Islands. Watch below:


Get Started

The Webinar Includes:

  • An introduction to Cayman Enterprise City (CEC) services.
  • An overview of Special Economic Zone benefits.
  • First-hand advise on establishing a virtual asset company in the Cayman Islands. 
  • A Q&A session. 

Email info@caymanenterprisecity.com

About the Speakers:

Charlie Kirkconnell-1

Cayman Enterprise City’s (CEC) Chief Executive Officer since 2013, Charlie Kirkconnell has devoted a large part of his professional career and personal time to making the Cayman Islands a thriving business hub, and helping international businesses establish a genuine physical presence.

Yaro Pshenitsyn, Chainlink Headshot

Managing Director of a blockchain company that provides reliable tamper-proof inputs and outputs for complex smart contracts on any blockchain and has raised a total of $32M. After establishing their special economic zone company with CEC they have grown from strength to strength and are now an industry standard Web3 services platform. 

Offshore Set up advise

Learn More


CEC Brochure & Overview

This 8-page document highlights the advantages of moving your offshore company to the Cayman Islands with CEC's award-winning free zones — an excellent overview for anyone considering establishing a SEZ company with CEC. 

Download the CEC Brochure



eBook | 8 Questions to Ask Before Establishing Your Cayman Islands SEZ Business

This is an excellent document to download and share with your global contacts who may not be familiar with the Cayman Islands. The eBook provides details on family life, medical care, real estate, and more. 

Download CEC eBook